Available for motivational and after dinner speaking please contact for more information 01704 834493.
Best known for his appearance on the Final of Britain’s Got Talent 2011, Les is a fantastic comedy impressionist, covering a spectrum of voices from television, sport and general celebrity.
With Leslie Gibson first impressions count, and remember – his next impersonation could be YOU!
“Leslie Gibson is a quite superb comedy impressionist from Liverpool. Surely deserving of some television exposure, Gibson works the after-dinner circuit and probably hasn’t entertained in many student union bars or at the Edinburgh fringe, where most of the young TV gurus are said to hang out these days. Topical impressions, from soap-land to Dragon’s Den, were all impressive and spiced with originality. What a shame that , according to many in mainstream light entertainment at least, the talent scouts from telly-land don’t seem to know quite where to look for truly original young talent. Leslie Gibson really is a little bit special.”