Available for motivational and after dinner speaking please contact for more information 01704 834493.
One of Yorkshire’s most in-demand comedians, and somewhat of an institution in his home town of Sheffield (he currently works for BBC Radio Sheffield) This mad as hatter comic will have you rolling in the iles, don’t bother standing up as Jimmy will be ready to let you know he’s there. Jimmy is unique; his brother is an only child! He is working very hard at the moment, because he only has 2 weeks to live! His wife has gone to Benidorm for a fortnight!!!
Quotes from agents and the press about Jimmy include:
The Stage…”Never heard of him!”
Blackpool Concert Secs…”Get him off!”
Yorkshire Evening Post…Escort for sale …taxed & M.O.T. £275 ono.
Jimmy is currently working for Sky TV. You may actually see him in your area, nailing up dishes at a house near you!
A great guy with time for everyone, if easily offended “stay away”